What Is BlockChain Crypto Art? Alice in Wonderland was a slice of reality, compared to the NFT market. A Non Fungible Token (NFT) purports to be a unique digital data stream that is contained in a BlockChain, like digital currency, that can forever be shown to be authentic and unique and belonging a person forever. Of course, as digital data, it can be copied millions of times, and the only way it can be differentiated is to be shown to be part of the Blockchain it exists in, if such an existence is possible. People are really paying millions of dollars for these things, from "artists" who take the money, gladly (digital currency happily accepted). Given this new market for unique stuff, I hereby offer an NFT of the first FutureLawyer blog post, back in 2005, to the highest bidder. The auction will begin with this post. Why buy Carbon Credits, which don't even exist, when you can have a piece of blogging history? Here is a copy of the NFT that you will receive. Show me the money.