Microsoft Prepares Windows 11 For A Post Pandemic World. Jeez. You would think that Microsoft was responsible for creating the world on the Eighth Day. The Windows 11 announcement sounded more like a religious sermon than the announcement of another computer operating system. Hey, Microsoft. We get it. Windows is our connection to the world in a time when connection is everything. But, dial it back a little. From the hushed, passionate tones of true believers to videos of homey, syrupy connections with families, the whole presentation was, in a word, smarmy. The guts of it was that Microsoft has gone with an updated, Apple like, rounded corners, in your face, smooth system that is easy to navigate. What is underneath it all will be revealed, I suppose. But, since we relied so much on communication in the past year, it will be front and center from now on. I like the fact that it is possible to connect with anyone with the click of an icon. Of course, ease of use isn't everything. And, Microsoft, you aren't the only operating system out there. So, let's limit the religious fervor, and remember that the operating system should be invisible, and not get in the way. It shouldn't be something to bow before, and worship.