Samsung Galaxy Watch 3. As we prepare for the new Galaxy Watch 4 this summer, it occurred to me that it won't help me practice law any better than my Galaxy Watch 3 has for the last couple of years. In fact, since the beginning, when I was laughed at for opining that wrist computers would become a valuable addition to the mobile lawyer's arsenal, I have expanded the tasks that could be performed with the device on my wrist. Just as mobile phone tech revolutionized every profession and industry in the Nineties and early 2000s, the Smartwatch has so many useful functions that is can be used, in a pinch, to help a mobile, practicing lawyer get things done. Emails? Check. Text messaging? Check. Telephone calls? Check. Calendar? Check. Legal research? Difficult on such a tiny screen; but, possible. Social media? Check. Banking? Check. Maps and Navigation? Check. In order to do all of these things, the Smartwatch has to have its own phone chip, so that it can act independently of the Smartphone. In any event, the ability to wear the tech necessary to do your job as a lawyer is advancing every day. What's on your wrist?