Some of us are going through the grieving process. Some of us have passed through to the other side, and are engaging with life again. When fate brings sadness at Christmas time, there is a special bittersweet feeling that tends to hover around holidays forever after. But, sometimes, when we figure out how to find joy again, the festivities help. If you are grieving, or are stuck, try to remember that past troubles have always passed. I know. It is easy to say these things after finding a way out of grief. But, I think we can look for a way out, and enjoy the journey. After all, it is up to us, isn't it?
He walked through the house,
festive lights blinking on the tree,
and a collection of Santa Claus figures
stood guard next to the fireplace.
The tree looked like it did
in years past;
but, it supervised an empty room.
He had no Christmas decorations
on the house outside.
They lay boxed and alone
in the garage.
He wanted to be joyous,
like the revelers outside;
but, he spent his time
remembering Christmases past.
Like Scrooge,
he looked for joy
in material things,
and envied the humans
with families.
He watched the couples,
hand in hand,
smiling and laughing,
and wanted to be them.
He didn’t have to shop
for expensive gifts;
but, somehow that was no consolation.
At work, he stared at the computer screen
and spent the day looking at images
of happy Christmas revelers
and holiday cheer.
Then, magically,
he saw her.
She appeared to him
as a smiling face
and a helping hand.
She had a glow around her,
and offered her hand
in love and friendship.
He remembered that the season
was about the birth of a Savior
who would send angels and salvation
to a world in mourning.
Would she be his Christmas Angel?
He was in need of her gifts
and wanted to believe.
He would put her at the top of the tree.
Would she bring light and happiness
to a room and a house