As he watched a spell-bound little girl,
magically transported
by a purple dinosaur
preaching love and caring,
He wondered whether the TV creators
of the extinct creature
grasped the irony.
Ancient creatures
and modern little girls
were the commonality of his life.
The span of the centuries
had not cured him.
Women surrounded him,
tore at the epidermal layers of his being,
caressed his insecurity,
and challenged his ability to live his life
loving, and in
They grabbed at his time,
swallowed his resources,
offered occasional respite
from his sad memories;
but, in the end,
took what they wanted
and left him alone.
He was a Neanderthal
among dinosaurs,
struggling to survive,
armed with a stick
traveling through deadly marsh gas.
He feared the monstrous anger
of the unthinking beast.