Pinellas Park and St. Petersburg Are The Most Humid In the U.S., Study says. Okay, the study that says the FutureLawyer's home city of St. Petersburg, Florida, is the most humid in the U.S. was done by a London based group. But, since it rains all the time there, I suppose London does have some knowledge of humidity. But, it is true that, here in Florida, we pay a price for a climate that seldom gets below 60 degrees, even in Winter. Summers can be brutal, especially in July and August. But, the invention of air conditioning brought a degree of comfort even to those months, so we hardly feel it. And, I will trade our humidity for the warm climate any day. There is a reason all you Northerners retire here. By the way, the FutureLawyer does will drafting and probate administration, in case any of you snowbirds plan to retire and die here. We may be humid; but, we also have no income tax.