A Deflated Choice. Execupundit is right on point with the announcement of the long awaited name change for my beloved Redskins. Seriously? The Commanders? What, are the players going to stand at attention, and demand salutes from the opposing teams? Will the new uniforms have 12 inch epaulets? How about helmets shaped like 18th century Sea Captains'? Good Lord. First, Brady retires. Now, the Redskins become the Commanders. The Commanders? Has anyone seen The Handmaid's Tale? The men who rape and enslave women in the show are called: "Commanders". Really. Are we now going to associate the team with evil men? My hometown team is the Buccaneers. The video introducing every game has evil looking pirates destroying ships bearing the opposing teams' logo. Buccaneers were pirates who pillaged and raped and killed their way across the Caribbean. Should the Buccaneers change their name? I swear the football gods want me to spend Sundays at the park in the Fall. Of course, this isn't as bad as it would have been, were I younger. I used to live and die with the Skins and the Bucs. As I grow older, it is harder to root for kids just out of college who make millions of dollars throwing a football around. But, the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat, used to be accompanied by a purer athletic aesthetic, didn't it? Oh, well. I prefer to take naps in the afternoon these days, anyway. Yawn.