I am a Caucasian, Male, Heterosexual, lawyer, poet, Centrist, human being. If I have offended you by who and what I am, too bad. I like calling the Redskins the Redskins; but, I am offended by their new name. I enjoy humor, even when it is offensive, and even when it makes fun of me. Told a lawyer joke lately? To all offended persons, I say get over it. Until we start to tolerate the offensive, we will never be able to live in peace. I am offended that you get offended over so called "micro-aggressions". I am offended that anyone is judged by the color of their skin. I am offended by violence, war, and evil. But, I live every day the best I can. If you want to waste your life being offended by everything, so be it. I wish you well. Truly. But, please know that there is a better, easier, and more enjoyable way to spend the hours and days you get to live and breathe.