The New T-Mobile Gateway. The FutureLawyer is always looking for ways to connect to the Internet, without relying on free public WiFi which is never secure. I have added a new Home Internet device to the mix, which will be a backup to my Cable Internet. Cable is very fast; but, sometimes it isn't. Buffering streaming, and outages during weather events can be annoying. Since 5G wireless Internet became available on smartphones, I have sometimes used the hotspot feature on them as a backup; but, data is limited. Then, for RV travel, I added a 5G mobile Internet device that I can carry everywhere. Still, it is limited to 100 Gigs of data over a month. Not expensive, at $50 a month, and I have used it at home when cable got spotty. Now, however, for another $50 a month, I have an unlimited Internet gateway that can serve the entire house. I just plugged it in to an outlet in the kitchen, next to a window, and, voila, I have broadband backup that can serve the whole household. Do I NEED all this Internet access? No; but, my readers want to know about the various ways that remote lawyers can do their work. So, let's recap. 5G Gateway from T-Mobile - unlimited data for $50. 5G Hotspot from T-Mobile - 100 Gigs for $50, and you can carry it in your briefcase. Cable Internet from Spectrum - $89 when bundled with phone and TV service. Smartphone Hotspot - 20 Gigs included with phone service. Starlink satellite Internet when traveling in the RV - $135. Access to broadband Internet wherever I am - Priceless.