Believe it or not, my constant companion, and something that is in my briefcase all the time, and my favorite and most useful tool, isn't computer or tech related. It is a pocket knife that I purchased many years ago at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian, in Cherokee, North Carolina. This wonderful museum has, as its purpose,
“To preserve and perpetuate the history, culture, and stories of the Cherokee people.”
The native Indian culture of our country needs to be preserved, and its lessons are similar to Stoic philosophical belief systems.
The knife has many uses, from saw to bottle opener, and, while I have a large knife collection, I love this little pocket knife the most. What's in your brief case?
While I have one or two “pocket knives” and a few “ combination tools”, I have had a knife in my pocket every day for at least 40 years. Most of my knives are in the 4.5” range ( closed) and the one I currently carry (Kershaw 1550) gets sharpened weekly. I feel naked without a knife and it has nothing to do with self defense, I have another solution to that concern
Posted by: Ray Visotski | December 29, 2022 at 08:37 AM