When I downloaded and tested ChatGPT I was immediately reminded of the Librarian character in the 2002 movie adaptation of The Time Machine, in which the lead character has a colloquy about time travel with a future librarian. It is eerily similar to ChatGPT, the AI which is prompting a lot of interest lately. ChatGPT responds to questions about anything with human like responses and an unlimited (or so it seems) access to all human knowledge. All we have to do now is give ChatGPT a human like avatar interface. Like the medical devices in StarTrek that have been realized in the sensors in Smartwatches and other modern medical devices, if we can dream it, we can do it. I love this video sequence. As I watch it, I remember that my interest in science fiction as a youngster sparked my interest in legal tech after I became a lawyer. ChatGPT can already be used to enhance a lawyer's decisions and legal research. I love this stuff.