Should Lawyers Embrace Or Fear ChatGPT? The latest Legal Rebels podcast, linked to here, considers the meteoric rise of interest in AI Chatbot, ChatGPT, which is a conversational chatbot that seems to be able to provide cogent answers to just about any question, and which some are saying could revolutionize many industries. Of course, in my day, we had Cliff Notes, which summarized books in bite sized pieces that savvy students could use in studying, and writing papers. Chatbots, however, can sound like graduate theses, and are much tougher to identify. For lawyers, what if a client could get their legal answers from a chatbot, and bypass the lawyers? Scary thought, if you're a grunt lawyer. Of course, human lawyers and advocates will always be needed, if only to put a human face on a client's problem. I think these things will be more of a tool for lawyers to do efficient legal research, which can then be used to enhance our ability to represent clients. I have always considered the advances in AI to be an enhancement, and not a replacement. But, the technology is advancing at such a rapid pace, these questions must be asked and answered, and the progress of AI must be closely watched. Enhanced humans might evolve into something we don't want to be.