Opal, I feel your pain. Earl, get the checkbook out. We all experience rejection in our lives. But, fate has a way of reversing itself. Everything doesn't happen for a reason; but each of us gets to decide how we react to our fate. When I was a very young solo lawyer, I thought I wanted to be a rich partner is a BigLaw firm that paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in salary, and had a lot of prestige. When a group of local lawyers formed a fledgling BigLaw firm, I wasn't invited. Rejection was painful. I thought I was destined for a TinyLaw career, and was a failure. Well, I decided that rejection was not the end, and I kept on trucking. I became the best lawyer I could be. Fifty years later, I am still practicing law, and I have made a career out of being my own boss, and my own lawyer. When I realized that my love of poetry, and of technology, were not destined to be bestselling books, and that traditional publishers wouldn't be interested, I used my technology skills (and a few thousand dollars) to publish myself. Self publishing gets a bad rap, and somehow books that aren't commercially successful enough, or authors famous enough, are looked down upon. In fact, nobody cares, one way or the other. It isn't about them. It is about you. So, Earl, dig into that checkbook, and allow Opal to express herself in print. She will be happier. And, anyone will tell you, happy wife, happy life.