When I first was exposed to the concept of mindfulness as a strategy for dealing with the stress of law practice, I had visions of shaved heads and orange robes, and bizarre Eastern rituals. I was happily surprised to learn that it was much like the prayer I was taught to do in my youth. Prayer, however, is other directed, and aimed at saints and God and other concepts that I could never put my finger on. Mindfulness and meditation are inner directed, which I found to be much easier to wrap my mind around. To practice mindfulness, you merely need to slow down, and contemplate where you are in the present. It doesn't have to be formal or organized. I like to just sit, in times of stress, and think about where I am, and what I am doing, and I tell myself that, in this moment, nothing on earth, whether in the past or in the future, can touch me. I am in a place where no other can be. Try it. No rules. Just be. Of course, don't think about Rat. He will ruin everything. And, it helps not to have a boss. They don't like it when you make your own rules.