Okay, Chat GPT just got really interesting. As shown in this video, you can now avoid typing laborious, long queries into the Chat GPT app, and get a written reply that can be copied, printed, and distributed. Lately, I have been using Chat GPT to respond to fact patterns I elicit from client conferences and the notes I take. As I have previously written, the analysis and discussion of legal issues and possible solutions from such fact patterns is really useful, and saves me time and effort in deciding what actions to advise my clients to take. But, I humbly also admit that Chat GPT has brought to light issues that I hadn't considered, and has created detailed discussions of the legal implications of those issues. Now, with the addition of text to speech, in real time, I am actually having conversations with Chat GPT, and the results are like something out of a science fiction movie. It really is like having a conversation with a human that is a repository of all human knowledge. And, it actually talks back in a human like voice. The narrator in this clip gives an indication of what it is like. But, you can set up your phone to do the same thing. I can envision using it as the smartest law clerk in the world at my side during the day. This puts the solo lawyer on an even playing field with lawyers who have dozens of law clerks and assistants around them all day. In fact, it is faster and more detailed than any human clerk. Amazing.