Follow the science. First, the expanding universe, which can be measured by scientific tools man has created, can be spun in reverse to a point approximately 13.8 billion years ago. In addition, measuring radiation and temperature are two more ways to prove the fact that, in the beginning, there was a dense singularity that somehow exploded, or began to expand outward, going from extremely hot temperatures to cooling as the pieces of the universe got further away, over time. Now, what you call the force that began the whole thing God or something else, every religion has its own take. Religion isn't anything other than our feeble attempts to explain what we don't understand. We will never know what agency started it all. We will never know, in our lifetimes, whether the agent was an entity or force that we can ever understand. But, it seems scientifically certain that the Universe had a beginning, and, logically, will have an end. The Stoics tell us to live our lives with the realization that we are smaller than an atom in the grand scheme of things. We are living a few years among, so far, 13.8 billion. We are such a tiny blip of matter. This is why legacy is a myth. Want a better explanation of the Big Bang? Watch this: