Signal. Every time I read, in the news, about another famous person, or political party, or other prominent entity, whose private inter company or personal messages are hacked, and made public, I think about Signal. This non-profit, encrypted message application is used my millions of people to keep confidential communications private. It doesn't surveil you, no one else can see your data, and it is free, since the entity is non profit. While such an application can certainly be used for evil purposes, in a free society, it is an essential tool for groups who have a legal interest in privacy. It is ideal for lawyers who much keep their clients' communications secure and private. The recent arrest of Telegram's CEO in France has highlighted the battle between governments who want to know everything, and those who don't want government intrusion into their privacy. As Generative AI becomes more entwined in the system, this battle will become more important. While we don't want governments to control our every action, it will be much tougher to fight against AI computers that can anticipate and block our every move. It is thus important to elect governments who are required, by law, to preserve our freedom of speech. Do you know what your candidate feels about this issue? Does the political party your support really believe in freedom of speech? Without freedom of speech, there is no real freedom. If the State can control speech, it can control everything.