New Laptop? Here's How To Keep Your Data Safe. I realize that my computer security posts for the rest of us is like preaching to the choir. Most of you already do these things. But, now that Windows 11 will force you to take a look at new hardware to take advantage of Windows 11s hardware security, you should also know how to set up that new laptop so that you are protected, and your data is protected. First, install Malwarebytes or another rock solid Anti-malware and anti-ransomware software solution. Then, setup two factor authentication wherever you can. Then, become knowledgeable about phishing scams and how to avoid them. Then, be proactive about installing updates as they become available. Then, only use messaging or chat software that is encrypted end to end. For me, Signal is the best choice. Then, do not use public WiFi in hotels, waiting rooms, stores, restaurants, or anywhere else without a front end VPN application. I use PureVPN, but there are many competent programs out there. Be careful out there.
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