In this message, one of my heroes, Alan Dershowitz, a Constitutional Law Professor, among many other accomplishments, gives a great class on free speech and the U.S. Constitution, which expands on my post the other day about the insane ideas being proposed by the left attempting to censor speech that they disagree with, and lies which are described these days as "disinformation". He explains that lies and hateful speech are protected by the Constitution, and cannot legally be proscribed unless they involve other people, in which case they can become actionable defamation. The first part of the message deals with the anti-semitic actions of the United Nations, such as condemning Israel for defending itself from annihilation. The hypocrisy of some countries condemning Israel while abusing their own citizens is monstrous. But, while I agree with Dershowitz on the issue of Israel, the most important discussion, for me, is the limits of speech, and the fact that free speech is essential to our Republic's freedom. If you want to understand the free speech issue, watch the last half of this message, at least.