Some poems deserve to be republished on a regular basis, as they follow our progression from youth to death. The insights they offer become slightly different every year; but always offer the perspective of advancing time. As we age, most of us find some wisdom that we could have benefited from in our youth. On the one hand, the benefit is too late. But, some wisdom is universally desirable, no matter our age. Take out a photograph of your youth, and ask yourself one question. What would you tell that handsome/beautiful person if you could be the room with them now?
He looked at the photograph closely,
The image was filled with promise, and
overflowing with optimism.
In two dimensions,
the photograph reminded him
of another self,
free to hope,
free to wonder,
free to grasp, and
looking for the future.
He remembered the photographer,
motioning, and
jostling with the hangers on
and the wannabes.
He was sharing his soul,
whether he wanted to or not.
He took a picture in his mind,
moved to another decade,
and wondered whether the wisdom of age
would be enough
to bring the photograph back to life.
Did it look back at him
and laugh?