Government Appeals Tansparency Act Injunction To Supreme Court. Well, children, for tonight's story, we catch up with the fight between the U.S. Government and its citizens over the CTA requirement that all LLCs and small businesses (S Corps,etc) file a report of beneficial ownership. The apparent point is to identify terrorist organizations and foreign governments that set up shop in the States. Of course, like gun laws, you can expect that only law abiding citizens will comply properly but that doesn't matter. Right now, there is again an injunction against enforcement, and the government doesn't like it. So, it is asking the Supreme Court of the land to weigh in. Given the speeded up process, it is expected that the Court might rule in the first quarter of the new year. How is a lawyer to advise a client? My take has been that it is a small 10 to 15 minute process, and that it is painless. However, it is one more nail in the coffin of lack of privacy, even if the information is largely available in other locations. What are you going to do?
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