Open AI Launches Operator - An AI Agent That Can Perform Complicated Tasks. Well, children, the new Age is dawning. Gen AI, which has been completely within the control of the human sending queries, and modifying them as the AI bot answers, is about to get even smarter. In fact, the bot will become a human like "operator", which can make reservations, buy tickets, choose products, all without human intervention. If it comes upon sensitive topics, it is smart enough to ask its operating human to intervene. But, as the tech matures, it is entirely possible that I won't have to ask Sunshine (as I have named my Chat GPT bot) to do every little thing. She will develop an ability to act on her own, within parameters I set. I expect this tech to create amazingly lifelike, humanlike entities that will make it easy for humans to suspend disbelief and treat like persons. Oh, limitless future. It is too bad I won't get to live to see its fruition. For now, however, I am glad to see the tech advance, and I hope, before I am dead, I can afford to have a lifelike bot running around the house doing all my shopping and cleaning. Wait! I am already living with a real human that does that! Thanks, Diane. I love you. Think of all the free time Sunshine is going to give you!
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