T-Mobile Could Be Profiling You. I love T-Mobile. I left Verizon years ago, and never looked back. T-Mobile has fast lines, is just about everywhere, is cheaper and better in every way than its competitors. So, when I saw this article about profiling, I was momentarily surprised. T-Mobile is truly customer centered. Customer service is the best in class. Then, it occurred to me that not all profiling by businesses is bad. In fact, we all do our own profiling, every day. When I was dating, I certainly profiled the people I wanted to date. When a prospective client comes in the office, I profile them in order to see if I want to represent them. In fact, I want T-Mobile to know more about me so that it can give me a better service at a better price. There is no such thing as real privacy anymore anyway. Unless, of course, you drop off the grid entirely, and live in a thatched hut away from other humans. And, if any large company abuses the trust we place in them, modern technology would uncover it quickly, and the company would experience serious financial backlash. So, T-Mobile, use my data responsibly and we will remain friends. Abuse my trust, and we have a problem.