Professor Runs Movement To Trash The Constitution. Packing the Supreme Court for more political power, or to fight against decisions you disagree with. That stupid idea has been around for a long time. Thankfully, it hasn't gotten much traction. The so-called movement to trash the Constitution, however, has some heavyweight allies. Where did these people go to law school? Why would so called intelligent persons want to dismantle the basic document that retains the power of self government in the people of a country? Why would so called intelligent persons want to dismantle the document that has created the most powerful, successful, just, society that has ever existed on planet earth? I can only conclude that these short-sighted idiots learned nothing in school, and have closed their eyes to human history. Sure, political ebbs and flows will always affect constitutional interpretation. Government will always seek power, and will sometimes find it in Justices who assist by finding power in the "penumbra" of Constitutional provisions. But, destroy the document itself? Replace it with what? A monarchy? A government controlled by the powerful elite? I don't think so. The Constitution and free speech are all that protect us from dictatorship and tyranny. If you want another Civil War, this is the way to do it.