When I posted this Church sign two years ago, and opined that I wouldn't want to go to this Church, I wasn't clear that it was a joke. So, some of my readers took offense. So, this time, I am saying it up front. In fact, this time it occurred to me that that the model for the Mass, the Last Supper, would violate several of this Church's prohibitions. No eating? They were at dinner. No talking? They were conversing with each other. Cameras and cell phones hadn't been invented, but try to go to a restaurant or Church these days and not see cell phones on every table or in every hand. :-) In fact, I have, on occasion, followed Mass on an Android app, and caught some flack from some who didn't know I was no different that those with prayer books. And, there are apps that assist in prayer. Perhaps Mass and other religious services might benefit from a little fun, no? When did worship of God become so serious? Shouldn't it be joyful? Laugh a little. You'll live longer.