Day of The Dead. Yesterday, in my tradition, was All Saints Day, on which we honor all good people who we divine were Saints in their lifetime. Today we celebrate as All Souls' Day, which, I suppose, is for the rest of us. My favorite tradition, however, is the Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations, and we collect the skulls and bride and groom images that so often are created for the festivals. I am often accused of being too much involved, in my poetry, with death and dying. However, in the Stoic tradition, being aware of the possibility of our demise at any moment is a certain way to heighten our living by not wasting any moment of life. The tradtition of "Memento Mori", or remembering always of the certainty of death, fixes the mind wonderfully on each moment and each day. I think we are also fascinated and haunted by death because no human living has any idea what is after death, if anything. Every Pope, every Priest, every TV preacher, and every other person who claims to "know'" there is a God, or who claims to know what "God" days, is either deluded or a liar. We can "believe" whatever we like. If you find joy or comfort in believing that there must be something "after", then that is great. I believe that most of us who are rational animals know what we don't know. There must be a Prime Mover? Okay. But, in every religious tradition there are human beings, just like us, who haven't got a clue what they are talking about. So, call me Anti-Religion, if you want. Nobody has the patent on knowledge of the hereafter. Now, go enjoy whatever tradtion you like. Today, we honor all the souls who have gone before us. And, we decide how we are going to live this one more day we get on the earth. Do good. Be good. You choose.