1. I don't like to practice law with someone looking over my shoulder. (Although, as the photo shows, that is not always a bad thing).
2. I get to choose my wardrobe; including whether I will wear a tie today (unless I have to go to Court).
3. I like solitude (unless I need advice; but, isn't that why God invented the Internet?).
4. I like to decide what tech and software I will use. Although, I probably have less of it due to the cost.
5. I don't have to ask permission to go home to watch a baseball game. (Client demands permitting, of course).
6. I hate attending meetings at which the sole purpose seems always to be whether one person can convince another person that they are right about something. I get enough of that in hearings, depositions and mediations.
7. I like not having to mediate disputes between the billing department and the associates.
8. I like having an Umbrella Cockatoo as a secretary.
Hey, I could go on; but, since a lot of you out there are solos, or want to be, how about chiming in with your reasons? I have to go watch an afternoon baseball game.