I was reading a post on LinkedIn today about an executive who was laid off from a high profile CFO job in Pharma, and who used it as an opportunity to reflect on what he wanted in life. He now was a start up employee, and had built the new company into something that tripled his previous income. I thought about my days as a young lawyer in a small 3 man firm. I wanted very much to be in a large firm, and to make big bucks, and be important. There were several opportunities to join groups that were forming large firms, and I talked to them over a few months. However, they didn't seem a good fit for me, as it occurred to me that, if I joined them, I would lose some of my independence. I would certainly make more money, or so they promised. But, I passed, and stayed solo, after the breakup of my small firm. I have never made a lot of money. I have never become "important". I have spent my days drafting Wills, handling probate and real estate matters for ordinary people. But, looking back, I am fortunate that I didn't follow the path to BigLaw. The firms that were courting me are long since dissolved, and I have no idea what happened to them. I walked my own path, and followed my own light, and regret nothing. So, if you lose a job, or have setbacks, use them as a reason to examine your life. What do you really want? Never let the desire for money or power be a part of the decision. You will have many years to regret a wrong decision. Or, you will have many years to enjoy a life that you chose for the right reasons.